

Our purpose is singular; we restore broken lives. We welcome the toughest of human conditions. We stay focused on the individual. And we do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to restore life in all its fullness. \n

\n“Whatever it takes for as long as it takes to restore a broken life!” \n

\nHagar is a global organization, registered in Switzerland that operates commercial and non-profit entities and engages in private and public sector partnerships in pursuit of its mission to restore women and children who suffer extreme human rights abuse to life in all its fullness. \n

\nHagar is following the example of Jesus in humbly serving and loving those rejected and exploited by society. Hagar nurtures hope, healing, resilience, dignity, family and community so that all involved (donors, partners, staff and clients) experience transformation. (Why) \n

\nHagar is responsive to the most severe injustice and alienation among individual women and children. Hagar provides services without any discrimination on the basis of religious beliefs, race, gender, culture, social position, or nationality. (Who) \n

\nHagar is tenacious – whatever it takes for as long as it takes – in recognition of the deep wounding of severe abuse. Through its social programs, commercial businesses, and partnerships, Hagar ensures high quality services in health care, legal support, psychosocial support, education, family services, training and employment. (What). \n

\nHagar is focused on the individual and committed to real life giving relationships in nurturing each one to their full potential. Hagar identifies the individual needs and potential of each survivor and nurtures, through relationships, their journey towards resilience and dignity. (How).



4757 E. Greenway Rd,
Suite 107B-275, Pheonix, Arizona, USA


