
Shenzhen Blooming Cultural Creative Investment Co.,Ltd.

Shenzhen Blooming Investment Ltd (Blooming Investment) is a group company based on the age
of consumption upgrading and spiritual consumption, focus on the investment of international
cultural and art content, IP investment and operation.
In recent years, Blooming Investment has successfully created B.PARK, as an art life landmark.
The teamLab Dance Art Exhibition broke multiple record of Shenzhen art exhibition. The company
also Introduced the world's second teamLab art restaurant "Flower Dance Impression, Art by
teamLab” to Chinese customers, and brought “Mysterious Dunhuang” to Shenzhen audiences.
Following the success, Blooming Investment opened the second B.PARK in Chengdu, while
curated the first “Art Chengdu” International Contemporary Art Exhibition in the same city. This
May, we brought the teamLab Future Park to Wuhan. The grand opening of the first video game
museum “Game On Blooming” showcased that Blooming Investment is dedicated to bring art and
creativity to life application, and provide billions of Chinese consumer with easy-to-access spiritual
consumption product and services, while leading the upgrade of Chinese cultural consumption.

No.101, 1st Floor, Block B1,,
OCT-LOFT, Shenzhen, China

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