

We have a secret to share with you. \n

\nOnce upon a time in the New Territories, a group of people roaming the hills unexpectedly found themselves in a place called Chi Ma Leng, a wonderful place whose name translates to 'Sesame Ridge'. In a beautiful clearing, they gathered to admire the countryside and have a great time. \n

\nThey shared experience in Chi Ma Leng so as to tear themselves away from their smartphones and networks. This journey had let them re-discover human natural instincts - We all want to simply enjoy each other's company and gather around to share happiness. \n

\nWith this in mind, our little group made it their mission to hold a fantastic summer camp with live music in Chi Ma Leng. After much determination through a long process of meetings, discussions, making deals and (lots of) sweating, they finally won the approval from neighbouring villagers and bring Hongkongers a two-day overnight camping event! \n

\nBring your tents, your friends and your good vibes! \n

\nThis August, Open Sesame is coming.

#1, Chu Ma Leng, Pat Heung,,
Kam Tin Rd, New Territories, Hong Kong

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