
Hong Kong Academy Of Medicine

In recognition of the need for essential postgraduate medical education and training in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (HKAM) was formally established under the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Ordinance (Cap 419).


Objectives of the Academy are: to promote the advancement of the art and science of medicine; to foster the development of continuing medical education; to promote integrity, ethical conduct and standards in the practice of medicine and its specialties; to promote the improvement of health care for Hong Kong citizens; to foster a spirit of co-operation among medical practitioners; to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas in medicine and matters concerning the medical profession.


The Academy is an independent institution with the statutory power to organise, monitor, assess and accredit all medical specialist training and to oversee the provision of continuing medical education.


Since the Medical Registration Ordinance was amended in 1996, the Academy has played a more active and significant role in the accreditation of continuing medical education for the purpose of specialist registration.


The Academy constitution consists of the HKAM Ordinance (Cap 419), Regulation and Bylaws. The Ordinance covers the objectives of the Academy, composition and powers, and the admission of Colleges and Fellows. The Regulation is a subsidiary legislation on the conduct of general meetings, Council election procedures and regulations governing Colleges. The Bylaws cover admission criteria for Fellows, termination of membership, subscriptions and duties of office bearers.



香港醫學專科學院賽馬會大樓 (近葛量洪醫院)



訂閱即將登場節目通訊 Hong Kong Academy Of Medicine